Are you or someone you know ready to make a career or job change?
Do you wish that you could help your team to access more of their natural talents in their work and life?
When was the last time you had a career checkup?
CAREER Coaching helps people to be successful and resilient through change. An annual career checkup serves you to stay empowered in directing your own career; by first clarifying your strengths and interests you better position yourself to develop a rewarding careers.
Affiliated with Career Cycles we use the Holistic Narrative approach as our method of practice.
The primary responsibility for personal career growth rests with the individual. Self-assessment, knowledge of careers / jobs and favourable workplace environments are key for effective career development.
Organizations which offer career planning, with goals, opportunities, assessments and career coaching and training can contribute to individual and organizational excellence. Results can include improved morale, general happiness and satisfaction in the workplace. A satisfied and happy individual is a high performer. Effective career design also provides organizations and individuals with opportunities for growth and ongoing development - improved retention and of course, a great boost for succession planning!
The Who You Are MattersTM experiential professional and personal development game is available for groups. A minimum of 4-6 participants for booking. Comments from participants include: "This was a brilliant exercise. It is very empowering for me!" " I found it to be enabling as I "recognize that I am addressing some of my skills and desires in my work and life, but that some aspects are not being developed. I feel dissatisfied and frustrated and would like to move towards change"" "I am more open to looking at other career options or areas where I can use my strengths and desires."
Whether you are a career changer, a recent graduate exploring your first job or a hiring manager interested in providing a career renewal program to help your team members to excel, we can help. Our career management programs work!